Big time work day today.  Everybody kept busy, projects were completed, new projects were started, and after dinner we all kind of collapsed into our chairs for devotional time and a team meeting.

I don’t know how we are doing as far as what we have accomplished compared to other groups.  Looking at the schedule it seems that teams of 20 are not that unusual, and we are only 10.  Still, we have made some really good progress on some big projects.  For example, today Sharla, Elissa and I painted a storage shed that they just finished building a couple of weeks ago.  It took most of the day, but we got it painted inside and out.  Shirley and Marie not only inventoried the food pantry, but completely reorganized it so that it is easy to see exactly what is there.  Kay is plugging away at reorganizing the library.  Carol is organizing piles of soup labels and box tops.  Dave, Jeremy, and Jenni are busy chipping up linoleum tile to the point that they will be able to start laying the ceramic tile tomorrow.

A bunch of us that finished projects today did more painting in the house that Sharla, Elissa and I started yesterday.  It’s a really big job, and important, because the staff that will be living there shows up here next Wednesday.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday was our team meeting with Mardell, the school’s administrator.  She is quite the lady, with a passion for the kids who attend the school.  This place does so much to help these kids, and by doing that, to help their families as well.  More on that when we get home.

The weather has been pretty hot (mid 90’s isn’t uncommon), but yesterday and today there has been a moderate wind that has helped cool us down a bit.

Anyway, everyone here is well and strong (though really, really tired from all of the physical activity).  Love to all back home.  Keep praying!

Sharla and Shirley are our morning KP folks, shown here with some of the kitchen staff. (The food is really pretty good!)

A small portion of the playground that we weeded. (I need to take better “before” pictures. The only ones I have are ones that hardly show any weeds! There were LOTS of weeds…HONEST!)

This is the after photo. The whole playground was totally weed free. Amazing! (By the way, this was where I got stung by the fire ant!)

Carol in the administrative office, where she helped to organize and prepare box tops and soup labels to be sent in.

I look so focused because I am trying to get some paint off of my straw hat at lunch time.

A view of part of the newly organized pantry in the basement of the dining hall.

The kitchen of the house that a bunch of us are painting. Today after I took this “before” picture, I took all of the cabinet doors off. I’ll be repainting all of them Navajo white tomorrow while the rest of the crew paints the walls.