Read with Me

1 Peter 3:8-12 (HCSB)

Now finally, all of you should be like-minded and sympathetic, should love believers, and be compassionate and humble, not paying back evil for evil or insult for insult but, on the contrary, giving a blessing, since you were called for this, so that you can inherit a blessing.

For the one who wants to love life

and to see good days

must keep his tongue from evil

and his lips from speaking deceit,

and he must turn away from evil

and do what is good.

He must seek peace and pursue it,

because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous

and His ears are open to their request.

But the face of the Lord is against

those who do what is evil.

Listen with Me

Just as relations between a Christian husband and wife are not to be merely on the high side of normal but are to show the unity and righteousness of Jesus Himself, so the Christian’s relationship with others is to show forth that same unity and righteousness. This is because salvation is not about mere assent to some theological principles. It is about entering into a vital relationship with the living God Himself, through faith in Jesus. And that relationship changes everything in a person’s life, their ways of thinking, their ways of acting, and even their ways of interacting with others.

As Jesus was sympathetic, loving, compassionate, and humble, so are his people to be. That attitude, mindset and worldview are to color every interaction, to the point that love is shown, and positive blessing is given even to those who do evil to us or insult us, just as Jesus did when he was attacked, harassed, and even tortured and crucified.

For support for this view of things, Peter quotes Psalm 34:12-16, demonstrating that those who want or expect a blessing from God must live lives worthy of receiving, and we must show blessing to others. This includes the words that we speak: no evil words or deceitful speech are to appear on the lips of God’s people. It includes our actions: no evil or hurtful actions are to be found among God’s people. Instead, we are to do positive good among everyone we have contact with. And we must seek peace with everyone, because where there is conflict and bitterness, the words of life contained in the gospel can be neither spoken nor heard.

God does bless His people continually, providing not just our bare necessities, but much more than that. But in order to receive what God gives, each person’s heart and character must mirror His own heart and character, demonstrating true righteousness in our every thought word and deed. Otherwise, we will find ourselves without what we ask for, not because God is unwilling to give it, but because we are unable to receive it.

Pray with Me

Father, I think we sometimes think of You as a magic gumball machine. We try to find the right coin or token, the right combination of words, the right position of prayer, the right time of day or night to unlock Your hand to deliver what we want. But according to Your word, You are always giving, pouring out your blessings. If we don’t receive, the real problem lies not with Your generosity, but with our own ability to perceive and receive the blessings pouring down all around us. Our hearts, our minds, our very lives are closed because of our lack of real relationship, real trust, real likeness to You and Your character. So, we ask but we don’t receive. Lord, help us to open our hearts and our minds to You fully, so that we can be changed, transformed, made more and more like You, so that we can receive all You have for us each day. Amen.