Hebrews 11:27-28 (HCSB)
By faith he left Egypt behind, not being afraid of the king’s anger, for Moses persevered as one who sees Him who is invisible. By faith he instituted the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn might not touch the Israelites.

After forty years, Moses returned to Egypt. This time he came not as a self-styled deliverer, but as a divinely chosen, commissioned and empowered deliverer, proclaiming the very words of God, and doing amazing miracles as a sign of his authority.

Before being sent to deliver God’s people, Moses had been terribly afraid of Pharaoh. But under God’s authority, that fear was no longer the motivator of his life or his actions. He was able to walk out of Egypt leading two million Israelites (and others who joined them) with great boldness and great authority.

Moses also led the people in the keeping of the Passover. His faith and the faith of the Israelites was demonstrated not merely by a belief that God could save them from the destroyer. It was demonstrated by their obedience to the actions which He said would save them. Every family killed the Passover lamb at sunset. Every family smeared its blood around the doors of their houses. And every family ate the meal quickly and ready to depart the land for good, but not leaving their homes until Moses gave the command.

And, as a result of their faithful obedience, they all really were saved from the angel of death as he went through the whole land of Egypt. The active, obedient faith of Moses inspired the same active obedient faith in the people, and they were saved.

Father, despite adequate warning from the Scriptures, including the New Testament warning that faith without works/obedience is dead and worthless (James 2:14-17), too many of us still define faith as simply fervent belief that You can do something. So, we see very few mighty miracles and wonder what is wrong. Help me, Lord, to always act in accordance with Your promises as well as Your commands, so that You can work mighty wonders in and through me today. Amen.