Luke 7:24-27 (NIV) After John’s messengers left, Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: “What did you go out into the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? If not, what did you go out to see? A man dressed in fine clothes? No, those who wear expensive clothes and indulge in luxury are in palaces. But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. This is the one about whom it is written: “‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.’”

One thing about true prophets is that they are who God has called them to be, and they staunchly refuse to be anything or anyone else. John was not trying to win any popularity contest or to increase his ratings or his church attendance. He was solely focused on fulfilling his calling.

Jesus pointed this out to those gathered there after John’s messengers left. He reminded them that they had not sought after John to find a reed swayed by the wind, someone who continually tried to fit in with popular opinion, or who just told people what they wanted to hear. John’s message was inflexible and uncompromising; it was God’s own message, and John knew that he was not authorized to modify or adapt it, or to soften its impact. The message had a purpose, and that purpose could only be accomplished if the message was delivered straight.

Neither was John a man who was pampered and rich, living in luxury and cut off from the common people and their hard-scrabble lives. John lived in the realest of real worlds, the wilderness, where if God didn’t provide for his needs, there would simply have been no way to meet them. He didn’t live the life of a “normal” person, but one actually more dependent on God that he could point those “normal” people to, so that they could experience the same communion and closeness with God that he had.

Instead, the people sought John as a prophet, one who is so close to God that he could actually know His heart and speak His words. To hurting, seeking people, mere philosophy or theology has no draw. It is only the direct word of God that can touch their hearts and help them to receive the understanding, comfort, and transformation that they so long for.

But John was far more than just a prophet. He was the forerunner of the Messiah, as foretold through the prophet Malachi (3:1). He was indeed a messenger from God, but he had the core assignment of preparing the hearts of the people for the One who would follow to establish the kingdom of God.

Father, even today, the advice of those who try to tell us what we want to hear is worthless to the hurting, seeking heart. The advice and lifestyle of the rich and famous leave us empty. It is only Your word that can transform a heart and give us all that we need to live our lives in Your presence. Thank you for that word today. Amen.