Galatians 5:15-18 (NIV):  So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.  For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.  But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.

The natural state of man is to constantly experience an internal battle between the appetites of the flesh and the dictates of one’s conscience.  And it is a battle that, predictably, gets old and wearisome before long.  Unfortunately, for the vast majority, the conscience becomes the eventual loser.  Over years of small compromises and seemingly minor sins, the voice of the conscience becomes muffled and indistinct, and is frequently ignored, or entirely overridden by the siren song of sin and disobedience.

But when a person surrenders to Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit rearms the arsenal of the conscience, empowers the will and, for those who desire it, gives a complete victory over sin.  But only those who live by the Spirit, in the light of the Holy Spirit’s guidance and empowerment, have the ability to consistently NOT gratify the desires of the sinful nature, but to defeat them instead.  Only those who are led by the Spirit, with hearts melted and reshaped by His fire coursing through their souls, have the ability to live their lives in ways pleasing to God.  They are motivated not by a list of external rules, but by God’s law etched on the tablets of their hearts, moving them from within to complete obedience.  (cf. Ezekiel 11:19-20, 36:25-27)  Only those who are led by the Spirit every moment of every day are empowered to live not under the law, but under grace; to be completely empowered to withstand and overthrow the mastery of sin that once held them in its grasp.  (cf. Romans 6:14-18)

This ability to live above sin, in the victory of real righteousness and holiness, is available to every child of God for the asking.  Those who truly hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled to overflowing (Matthew 5:6).  Those who sincerely ask for the fullness of the Holy Spirit in their hearts will receive Him fully (Luke 11:13).

Father, thank You for these excellent promises, and for the clear assurance that You are absolutely able to do everything that You promise.  Lord, Help us all to live our lives in the Spirit, far above the mire of sin, so that our righteousness continually brings glory to You.  Amen.