John 8:12 (NIV):  When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Jesus was and still is the light of the world.  In God’s word, light is always contrasted with darkness.  Darkness has been the natural state of sin-twisted humanity ever since Adam and Eve turned away from God to follow their own ways.  The darkness in men’s hearts has caused them to be self-centered instead of God-centered, and to be immersed in sin by choosing to go their own way instead of walking with God.  Darkness is sin, ignorance of the truth, and death.  And this darkness is present in today’s world in individuals, communities, and whole societies.

Jesus did not just bring light into the world; Jesus IS the light.  As darkness is sin, so Jesus is holiness.  Jesus never sinned, even once.  He lived a life that was 100% in accord with God’s will, to the point that He did nothing without God’s specific direction (John 5:19).  And if anyone lives in Jesus and walks in His light, they can live the same kind of sin-free life – a life that is pleasing to God in every way.  (1 John 1:7)

As darkness is ignorance of the truth, so Jesus IS the Truth.  Everything Jesus said was true.  He never lied, He was never ignorant or ill informed or mistaken.  And if anyone lives in Jesus and walks in His light, they can live in the same truth.  They will know the truth, and the Truth will set them free.  (John 8:32)

As darkness is death, so Jesus is life.  He had life in Him (John 1:4), and that life He was able to share with all who believed in Him.  And if anyone lives in Jesus and walks in His light, they will have the same life in them; a life that will last forever, even if their physical body dies.  (John 11:25-26)

Father, thank You for this light.  Help me to intentionally walk in the light today, to live today in such intimate fellowship with Jesus that any sin in me is washed away by holiness; that any ignorance is filled with knowledge of the truth; that any death is overwhelmed by eternal life.  Amen.