Matthew 6:11 (NIV) “Give us today our daily bread.”

In this part of Jesus’ model prayer, He focuses on the physical needs that people have, represented by bread.  As God’s people, the people of the kingdom have a right to expect that He will provide for our legitimate needs.  But even for those necessities, Jesus instructed His followers to ask.  That sets up two essential dynamics:  it keeps all of us mindful of where our provisions come from, so that we never take them for granted; and it reminds us to say thank You when He does provide for our needs.

The “daily” part is also important.  It looks back to Israel’s time in the wilderness, when God provided the manna for them every day.  (He did not provide it on the Sabbath, so that they wouldn’t need to go out and collect it on their day of rest.  Instead, He provided twice the amount needed on Friday, and caused it to keep all through the Sabbath, so that there was no interruption of the supply.  Cf. Exodus 16:13-26.)

The Israelites were not to try to store up manna, in case God forgot them, or was unable to provide for them someday.  Instead, they were to go out every day expectantly, in faith that His daily provision would be waiting for them exactly as promised.  And He never let them down – not once.  The manna was provided six days a week for 40 years, until the day the Israelites entered the Promised Land and were able to eat its produce (Joshua 5:10-12).

In the same way, the people of God’s kingdom are not to pray for a month’s worth of necessities, and then store them away in case He fails in His promise to provide.  Instead, they are to ask each day for each day’s provision as Jesus Himself not only instructed, but did.  And, except for intentional fasts, He never found that His Father failed to provide everything necessary, not just food, but the strength and power to do all that He instructed Him to do each day.

When God’s people pray for this particular provision, they should keep their focus on what is actually needed just for that day, ask for it specifically, and remember to thank God when, not if, it is provided.

Father, help me to have the faith of Jesus, faith that doesn’t have to have a full pantry to feel secure, but that simply looks to You in expectation each day for my daily bread, knowing that You will provide.  And thank You for all that You have provided in the past.  Amen.