2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV):  For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

The war that Paul refers to in this letter is still raging today.  It has nothing to do with the physical wars waged over lands and territories.  It does not even have anything to do with the religious wars that have sprung up from age to age, with those of one faith or sect taking up worldly arms against another.  This war, the first salvo of which was fired in the Garden of Eden, is the battle for the souls of people.

In this battle, God’s people have frequently seemed to have lost to the enemy.  But then the battle lines shifted, and God was still seen to have the upper hand.  The enemy tried to waylay, distract, and derail God’s mightiest warriors, from Abraham through David, and all the way down to Jesus Himself.  On the day that Jesus died, all of the forces of darkness believed that they had won not only the battle, but the entire war.  But they were in for a very rude surprise.  On the third day, when Jesus strode alive out of the tomb, He proved to all of the enemies of God’s kingdom that they were doomed – ultimately they were not going to be able to win the war.

Ever since that day the enemy has been trying to get God’s people to lose our steadfast focus on our mission to make disciples of all nations.  Many times he has been successful, even to the point where Christians have left off fighting the enemy in order to free the souls of people (a battle for which God has perfectly equipped and supremely empowered His people), and have begun fighting each other with the weapons of the world (a battle for which God has NOT equipped us, and in which He will take no part).

It is vital in these days when so much of eternal significance is at stake, that all of us Christians make a solid determination to steer clear of this worldly warfare among ourselves that takes so much time, energy, and resources, and put our whole focus, and all of ourselves, into the real battle that God has called us to, and empowered us for victory in:  the battle for the souls of people; the making disciples of all nations.  And we can each begin right now, in our own households, our own neighborhoods.

Father, forgive us for all too often thinking like the world thinks, for seeing as the world sees, for even waging war like the world does.  Thank You for providing us with weapons that can tear down spiritual strongholds, arguments, and every pretension that is contrary to You and Your kingdom.  Guide us today, so that we can fight and win the most important battle today!  Amen.