Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV):  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

It is the nature of broken mankind to make ourselves the measure of all things; to reserve for ourselves the ability to decide what is right and wrong, true and false; to believe that our every thought is rational, and that those things that we can experience with our senses are what is most real.  But the real truth is far different.

The fact is, the current human brain is not the grand result of millions of years of evolution, the pinnacle of reasoning power, better now than it has ever been.  Instead, the current human brain is the result of thousands of years of degradation from what was originally designed by God to be the actual pinnacle of His creation.  Thousands of years of sin’s damaging effects, thousands of years of genetic degradation, thousands of years of separation from God, trying to make our own way, our own decisions, has left mankind with brains that are less able to see what is really true than ever before.  Lately, for many, this trend has been escalating dramatically because of drug and alcohol abuse, which actually rewires the brain, short-circuiting many important connections, and giving the sensation of thinking clearly when the reality is that great amounts of information are being misprocessed, while even more is overlooked entirely.  Add to this the worldview modification that has been effectively orchestrated through agenda-driven television shows, movies, and public education programs, and you end up with a huge majority of people who believe that they are seeing things with blinding clarity, when all the time they are missing much of the truth that is right under their noses.

This situation might seem hopeless, but the solution is simple, and clearly revealed in God’s word.  If we will trust in God with all of our hearts instead of relying on our own understanding (which, even in the best of people today, is still colored by vast amounts of secularized thinking), then He can open our eyes to see the real truth.  If we will immerse ourselves in God’s word, never letting it depart from our mouths, and meditating on it night and day (cf. Joshua 1:8), it will help to reorient our minds, and will actually start to sweep away the cobwebs of a secularized and humanized worldview that masquerades as the truth, but that leads only to death and destruction.  If we will trust God in all things, turn away from our preoccupation with the kingdoms of this world to focus instead on the kingdom of heaven; if we will trust in God for salvation through the blood of Jesus so that He can bring us out of darkness into the light, so that He can make us into a totally new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17); if we will offer ourselves entirely to God as a living sacrifice, so that He can transform us entirely by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2); then He can open our eyes, our hearts, and our minds, so that we can see the truth as it really is.  Then, and only then, can we know the truth, because we will know the Truth.  And in that Truth we will truly be set free (John 8:32).

Father, thank You for turning me around all those years ago.  I truly was one who believed that I saw so clearly, yet when You turned my life around, when I surrendered to Your love and grace in Jesus, the scales fell away from my eyes and I could truly see for the first time.  What a shock it was to see so clearly that so much of what I had previously believed was true was actually false – warped, twisted, and deadly!  But I praise You that all that You have shown me is SO much more amazing, so much more valid than anything I ever knew before.  Thank You for continuing to guide me in Your truth, the truth that really did, and really does, set me free.  Amen.