Ephesians 6:14-15 (NIV)
Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Paul has been urging the Ephesians to stand strong against the supernatural enemy that is bent on their destruction, not in their own strength, but in God’s strength. And not in physical armor, but with God’s own spiritual armor. Now he details the parts of that armor.

Truth is likened to a belt that is to be firmly buckled around their waist. The belt firmly holds other parts of the armor in place, as well as providing a place for weapons, such as the sword, to hang within easy reach. Only truth will serve to hold the spiritual warrior’s armor in place. This truth is not only the truth of Scripture (which is vital), and the truth of the genuine gospel (which is indispensable). It is Jesus Himself (John 14:6)! If a Christian tries to face down the enemy with a belt that is built from relative truth, or a different gospel, or a different Jesus, not only will those “truths” prove to be inadequate in holding their armor together, it will not support the weapons that they need either, leaving them naked and completely unarmed.

The breastplate is not the self-made, self-achieved righteousness of man. It is God’s own righteousness (Isaiah 59:17), suffused into the believer’s heart, and mind, and soul through the indwelling Holy Spirit. This righteousness not only keep’s the warrior’s footing stable (“stand firm” in verse 14 at the start of this sentence), it protects the heart of the disciple, strengthening him or her against temptations, and enabling a clear conduit for God’s power and grace in times of trial.

The disciples’ feet are to be shod with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15 NIV, quoting Isaiah 52:7) The gospel is not a static thing, not just a collection of facts or a theological concept. It is a powerful motivating force that moves every believer toward darkness and strife in order to rescue those being held captive by sin and death, bringing them into true light and eternal life.

These first three elements of the armor of God are designed to form a firm foundation of rock-solid stability, genuine righteousness and powerful motivation that will enable every disciple to be a powerful, fearsome, unconquerable opponent in any spiritual battle.

Father, it’s pretty amazing that, when You call us to stand strong and to oppose and defeat the enemy, You don’t make us do it on our own, in our own strength and with whatever cleverness or ingenuity we can contrive. You not only provide the strength and power we need to be victorious, but the armor that we will need as well – Your very own spiritual armor. How can we fail! Thank You, Lord! Amen!