Psalm 146:5-9 (NIV):  Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them– the Lord, who remains faithful forever.  He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous.  The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked.

So many people come to God with requests for “stuff,” or for favors, for ease of life, or freedom from worry and cares.  But with that focus on self, they are actually passing up the huge riches that He offers through relationship with Him.  It is almost like someone passing up gold nuggets laying all over the ground because their eyes are focused on the smooth pebbles laying nearby.

Our God is the Lord who upholds the cause of the oppressed.  Whenever and wherever His people are mistreated, He takes note.  He will bring the trouble caused to those He loves down on the heads of their oppressors.  And this includes far more than human oppressors.  He can throw all of the spiritual forces of darkness that oppress His people into disarray too!

Our God gives food to the hungry, just as He did the Israelites in the wilderness when He provided not only manna, but quail too numerous to count.  But in addition to physical sustenance, He also gives spiritual food that the unsaved know nothing about, (John 4:31-34) giving them spiritual power and vigor that will stand up to any challenge.

Our God sets prisoners free.  Some He sets free from physical bondage, but He sets all who come to Him free from the bonds and the power of sin, so that they can walk with Him in righteousness all of their days.

Our God gives sight to the blind.  Some He sets free from physical blindness, but He opens the spiritual eyes of all who come to Him, so that they can see the world as it truly is, and can understand His will and His ways.

Our God lifts up those who are bowed down, freeing them from the heavy yoke of sin and the brokenness to which it leads, and giving them instead the easy yoke of Jesus; the yoke of peace, and of joy in serving Him wholeheartedly.

Our God watches over the alien, those who are in this world but are not of this world because they are citizens of the kingdom of heaven, and ambassadors on a mission to expand that kingdom.  He is always with them fulfilling Jesus’ promise to be with all of God’s people to the very end of the age.  (Matthew 28:20)

Our God sustains the fatherless and the widow, holding all who call on Him close, and becoming to them father and husband.  He give them more love than they could ever imagine, and helps them to grow straight, strong, and healthy, until they reach the whole measure of the fullness of  Christ.  (Ephesians 4:13)

Our God frustrates the ways of the wicked.  They will never be able to waylay those who trust in Him to direct their steps.  And they will never be able to destroy God’s people, removing them entirely from the earth, no matter how hard they try, because God will ALWAYS preserve a righteous remnant for Himself, no matter what.

God is every faithful to His people, and will keep every promise He has made to us, from now on and forever.

Father, thank you for these wonderful promises, and the way You keep them, the way that You guide and direct me every day.  Help me to never push my own wants forward so that I overlook all that You have promised to do in my life.  Amen.