Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV):  Then (Jesus) said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”


The harvest was abundant in the days of Jesus.  It is just as abundant today.  Many seem to feel that the harvest is small – that few, if any, are interested in pursuing a relationship with God in America today.  But that is very far from the truth.  There are seekers EVERYWHERE!  Some of them get drawn into cults and false religions; some become discouraged and give up, believing that there really is no objective truth, or that the truth is hidden from them.  Many others are still searching.  The waters for some of these seekers has indeed been clouded up and muddied by the false information out there that goes by the name of “knowledge,” but an exposure to the real truth, embodied in a Christian who lives it out daily in their presence, can clear the waters and start to bring the harvest in.

But God’s people must be ACTIVE in the harvest.  Too many believe that it is not their job, or that someone else is better equipped (even though it is God Himself who gives the power to be an effective witness to anyone who needs it!).  Others pray that God will drop an opportunity in their lap, and then walk right past dozens of people during their day, any one of which they could bring right into the kingdom, or at least start the process with.  They ask for the opportunities, but then immediately focus their minds on other things:  their plans, their concerns, their worries, the things of this world.  And they do not look intentionally for the opportunities that God has put in their path in answer to their prayers!  They must LOOK in order to see!  Opportunities don’t always look like opportunities.  Sometimes they look like a Samaritan woman coming to get water, and not the least interested in a theological discussion.  Sometimes they look like a jailer just doing their job, not interested in what one of their prisoners might have to offer.  Sometimes they look like an Ethiopian eunuch, high and mighty, and eager to get home from a long trip.  And sometimes they look like a busy mom pushing a grocery cart; or a guy in front of you at McDonalds, who just wants a cheeseburger; or a young man with his baseball cap on sideways, regarding everyone he sees with a sneer.  The harvest is ripening everywhere, but only those who are sincerely looking will have the eyes to see it.  There are SO many opportunities that a handful of harvesters will leave far too many drifting toward hell.  We must be involved in the harvest ourselves, and at the same time pray for more harvesters, so that they can all be gathered in!


Father, forgive me for not being more intentional about the harvest – for letting my own thoughts, my own agenda, get in between me and those who need You, blocking them from my sight.  Give me eyes that truly see, starting right now.  And DO send more workers into the harvest.  Amen!