1 Corinthians 15:20-23 (NIV)
But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him.

Paul has been painting a very grim picture of a world without the resurrection from the dead. It would mean that not even Jesus was raised, which would make the crucifixion of Jesus meaningless. If Jesus wasn’t raised, then everyone is still lost in their sins, the Holy Spirit has not been given, and everything that Christians believe is a lie.

But (the small word that changes everything that comes before it), Jesus HAS risen from the dead. Paul knows that this is an incontrovertible historical fact, even if he only bases his acceptance of it on the testimony of the more than five hundred reliable eyewitnesses who experienced it. And since Jesus was raised from the dead Himself, that means that resurrection is not only a possibility for the followers of Jesus, it is a promise that is guaranteed to be fulfilled.

Paul portrays Jesus here as the second Adam, the one who came to do what Adam failed to do, and thus to undo the damage caused by Adam’s sin and rebellion. Adam chose sin and brought death to all humanity. Jesus chose perfect obedience instead, and as a result brought restoration and transformation to all those who choose to follow Him. And with that restoration and transformation, Jesus also brought the sure promise of death defeated and eternal life for whoever will believe in Him.

Even though the resurrection and eternal life are absolute promises for those who follow Jesus, each must happen in its own time. Jesus’ own resurrection is the assurance that the promise will be fulfilled in its appropriate time. And that time will be when Jesus returns in triumph to receive to Himself all who belong to Him.

Father, thank You for Your love and grace that has not only reached out to save me from eternal separation from You, but that has also radically transformed my whole life so that I can truly follow You from the heart. And thank You also for the sure promise of the resurrection, for Jesus making himself the first fruit so that I can know for sure that it will be real for me as well. In the meantime, Lord, help me to work diligently to bring more and more people into the circle of those who live in that same transformation and assurance of eternal life, so when Jesus returns, he will have an abundant harvest waiting for him. Amen.