Mark 4:3, 8, 20 (NIV):  “Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed…Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times…Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop–thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.”

The good soil in this parable is the soil that the farmer was aiming at as he sowed His precious seed.  The soil had been broken up, plowed deeply, mulched, fertilized, and worked so that it would provide the best possible environment for the seed that was thrown there.  And after the seed was planted, the farmer would commit Himself to spending lots of time tending the field to make sure that the plants received adequate water and nutrients, and that no weeds were allowed to grow up and stunt their growth, or damage their fruitfulness.

The goal of all of this preparation and work was to multiply the original seed that was sown.  When you plant a crop of wheat, each “seed” is actually a kernel of wheat.  That kernel could be kept and ground into flour and eaten, but that would be the end of it.  So out of each harvest, the farmer holds back some of the precious grain to replant.  With good soil and proper care, each grain of wheat will produce vigorous plants that will head out, ripen, and produce abundant new kernels in each head – enough new wheat to provide food and still leave kernels to plant the next year’s crop.  But for that to happen, each seed planted in good soil must produce many more seeds just like it before the harvest.

In the same way, those whose hearts have been prepared for the gospel, in whose hearts that seed takes root and grows into eternal life, and who are carefully discipled, will reproduce themselves many times over through sowing the overflow of their own lives into the hearts of their family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.  The new life that is given to God’s people is actually designed to multiply itself many times over, just like a grain of wheat, resulting in them bringing into the kingdom thirty, sixty, or even a hundred new people.  (The actual number of new births that can be facilitated by each of God’s people is unlimited.)  But far too few of God’s people are actually involved in reproducing themselves by sharing the good news with others and leading them into His kingdom.  Many will live a whole life worshiping God, but never help a single person to be reconciled with Him.  Many more will lead one or two people to the Lord – hardly a good return on the seed that was planted in them.  While some of these people are unfruitful (non-reproducing) due to having too much competition in their crowded lives, many more have been taught that it is not their job to bring other people into God’s kingdom.  (Which, of course, completely disregards the imperative of the Great Commission!)

The simple truth is that God’s expectation, indeed, His commandment, for each of His people is to make disciples of those around us.  He has planted in each of our lives the best seed imaginable, engineered to give the highest possible yield.  If we are willing, He will work in each of our hearts to keep them soft, moist, fertile, and weed-free.  But He still requires our cooperation in working with Him.  If we refuse to go and tell other people about Jesus, that removes the moisture from our hearts, and will ultimately result in a soul that is hard, dry, and cracked.  If we allow distractions, worldliness, or other priorities to take our time and attention off God’s priorities, those distractions will become weeds and thorns that will suck the spiritual vitality from our lives and make us spiritually sterile.  It is the one who stays intimately connected to God, the good, fertile, clear soil, who will see the eternal life growing in their own hearts multiplied many times over in the lives of those with whom they share the gospel.

Father, I want to be fruitful for you, sharing and reproducing the eternal life that You have planted in me.  Help me always to keep You and Your mission for me in first place in my own life.  Help me to be conscientious about sharing Your good news with everyone, so that you can reap a continual harvest as Your kingdom continues to grow.  Amen.