Acts 9:32-35 (NIV)
As Peter traveled about the country, he went to visit the saints in Lydda. There he found a man named Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years. “Aeneas,” Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and take care of your mat.” Immediately Aeneas got up. All those who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.

There was already a Christian community in Lydda, about twelve miles inland from Joppa, when Peter came into town. No record is given as to how the seeds of the gospel were first planted there, but the most natural explanation is that some Lyddans were in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost after Jesus’ resurrection and were saved and baptized under Peter’s ministry. When they returned, they brought with them the good news of the kingdom, and their families and friends believed based on their testimony.

But there was still a sizeable population in and around Lydda that either hadn’t heard or hadn’t believed. Solid theological arguments are often unconvincing to the spiritually deaf. Even the testimony of a transformed life can be less than impressive to those who don’t know a person well enough to see the difference.

But when Peter came, the Holy Spirit prompted him to do something that no one would be able to argue with. Aeneas had been paralyzed and bed-ridden for eight long years. In that time, many doctors had taken a shot at curing him, but nothing they did made any difference.

But Peter simply walked up to his bedside, and without any elaborate prayers or rituals, simply guided by the Holy Spirit, told him to get up and roll up the mat he had been lying on. And that’s all it took. In that moment, Aeneas was healed and strengthened. He got up for the first time in eight years and rolled up his mat.

Those who saw the miracle, and many more who knew Aeneas and heard or saw that he had been healed, may not have immediately believed, but they were now open to the gospel. And Peter preached, and taught, and led them into the open gates of the kingdom.

Father, a powerful miracle really can open doors that seem impregnable and touch hearts that seem immovable. And that’s true, not just in the days of the apostles, but in our day as well. A clear demonstration of Your power shows not only Your reality, but points clearly to Your character and Your almighty strength as well. Help me to be open to Your working a miracle through me today, and to eagerly listen to the voice of Your Spirit guiding me as to when, where and how. And when You have acted, free my lips to clearly proclaim the good news of Your kingdom, and to show people how they can be part of it. Amen.

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