Matthew 24:10-13 (NIV):  At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.  Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Times like these have happened before in many places, and they will rise again and again until the end.  It is important for God’s people to understand that they are NOT living in the worst of spiritual times, just the worst they have experienced.  Many Christians around the world right now are paying for their faith with their lives, as Christians often have.  False prophets, those who lead God’s people astray, twisting His words, and comforting those that He is convicting, have always been present from the Exodus to today.  I know that it seems to many that the whole world is spinning out of control, but God is still in control – His arm is not shortened, and He has not grown old or weak.  In the midst of all this mess, He still has a large number of people who are faithfully following Him every day; a remnant who carry the fire of the gospel in their hearts without corruption or alloy, and who spread it everywhere they go.  Nations rise and fall, wars come and go, pain and suffering wax and wane, but God is and has been working in and through His people to seek out and save, and make disciples of those who are lost.  Even though times may be hard, all of God’s people can survive, and even thrive, IF they will steadfastly follow Him no matter what.  But we must never let our hearts grow weak, never let our love grow cold, never lose our hold on God.  Those who endure, who stay steadfast, on duty, loyal and steady all the way to the end, no matter what the world, the flesh, and the devil throw at them, THEY are the ones who will triumph by God’s strong right hand, and they will be delivered.

Father, thank You for this encouragement.  Thank You for Your strong right arm, working powerfully on our behalf, enabling victory, and making our hope and future secure.  Help me to live out these truths to the full, today and every day.  Amen.