2 Timothy 1:6-7 (NIV):  For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.  For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

It is very easy, as the days feel more and more perilous, to draw back from engaging the world and the evil and brokenness that is so deeply entrenched in it.  It sometimes feels like a matter of survival, of self-preservation, to pull back and see to one’s own salvation.  But when a Christian withdraws from the world, they become useless, like a candle that refuses to be lit if it is dark.  God makes His people light so that we can shine in the dark and bring His light into the very darkest places.  That is why He has given us a never-ending flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to provide constant fuel for the light in our lives.  But his often requires attention to our gift, our light.  We need to occasionally (sometimes constantly) fan the embers back into a full flame, and more so as the darkness encroaches, banking down our fire.  The reality of the damping effects of darkness is also why He has given His people the Spirit of power (so that we can force the darkness back and never have to retreat or experience defeat), of love (which is the most powerful motive force in the universe), and of sound judgment (so that we can easily discern where He is working against the dark right now, and join Him in working there).

Father, thank You for this gift of light.  Help me to shine brightly everywhere I go today.  Amen.