2 Timothy 1:6-7 (NIV):   For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.  For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.


It is amazing to me how many Christians profess fear and timidity when it comes to being a witness, sharing the truth about Jesus with others.  And this when there is little or no danger of physical harm!  What will these people do when the time of testing comes?  It will be like trying to fight a sword battle when you have not handled a sword before – it can only lead to disaster!  In America, unlike many (most?) places in the world, we have the privilege of being able to develop as a witness in a safe environment, yet most believers express fear at doing so.  But that fear does NOT originate with God.  It is a place in our hearts where too many are giving a toe-hold to the enemy, allowing him to silence them.  God does not give the spirit of fear or timidity, but the Spirit of power to be a witness, overcoming every fear, so that each Christian will be astoundingly fruitful (Acts 1:8).  He gives us the Spirit of love, the Spirit that cares so much that people are headed to hell that nothing will be strong enough to stop their lips from speaking about Him.  He gives us the Spirit of self-discipline, enabling us to not be victimized by our “schedules,” but to be always on duty for God, arranging our lives so that HIS agenda has first place, and living for HIM no matter what the world, the flesh, and the devil throw in our way.  God builds His people for victory, not defeat; for boldness, not fear or timidity; for love, not apathy.


Father, thank You for this Spirit You give us.  Forgive us for not living our lives in it; for letting the enemy gain a victory by intimidating us with fear, and silencing our lips when we should be speaking Your name boldly from hearts full of love for You, and love for those around us.  Forgive us, Lord, for living satisfied so far below what You command of us.  Help us to live this life of boldness and love, starting right now.  Amen.