John 5:19, 30 (NIV):  Jesus gave them this answer: “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does…By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

Jesus never made a move, never spoke a word, never took a single step that God did not command.  He was never on “auto pilot,” He never figured things out for Himself, He never figure that His Father was too busy to guide Him in the most mundane of matters.  Instead, He was ALWAYS dialed in to God – always listening for His voice to guide and direct.  Because of that, He was never surprised, never caught off-guard.  He heard God’s voice continually, and obeyed instantly, no matter what.  He never argued, and He never hesitated.  As a result, His every  move was miraculous, and His every footing absolutely sure and stable.  That is how it is supposed to be with God’s people as well.  Every man, woman, and child is expected to be dialed into God’s voice 24/7/365.  God is constantly speaking to His people, just as He was with Jesus, but the vast majority never hear, and only a small percentage of them hear part of the time.  If God’s people would listen carefully through the day, remove the other noises and distractions that cover up His voice, and let Him help them to live sin-free lives (because sin immediately cuts them off from God, and shuts their ears and eyes to what He is doing and saying), then God would gladly direct our every step, and help our every move to be miraculous and our every footing absolutely sure and stable.

Father, thank You for guiding and directing us.  Help all of us to do all we need to, to focus on You and your agenda, to get rid of distractions and sin, and to be able to hear Your voice clearly.  Guide us, direct us, work through us today.  Amen.