Luke 4:42-44 (NIV) At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

It was a really good thing having Jesus in town. He was far better than any doctor; He could heal any disease you could think of, and do it for free! Plus, He could cast out demons to boot!

In the morning when people came to Simon’s house for more healings, Jesus wasn’t there. They searched for Him, and found Him at the edge of town, praying in a quiet place.

By any measure, Jesus’ ministry would be considered a huge success by most people. He had people seeking Him out, and He had brought healing, wholeness, and freedom to dozens of people in a single day. But Jesus wasn’t feeling that successful. He had not come to be a great faith healer or exorcist. Those things were incidentals, the side effects of His real ministry, which was to preach the good news of the advent of the kingdom of God to God’s people.

Jesus could have just set up shop in Capernaum and been comfortable for some time, but He knew that that was just another temptation. He had been given a specific job to do by the Father for this stage of His ministry, and to not do it would be disobedience, no matter how successful He might seem to be.

Despite the protestations of the folks from Capernaum, He left that very day, and continued to spread the good news of the kingdom of God everywhere He went, all through Galilee and Judea.

Father, sometimes we see a way ahead that looks easy and “natural.” But often that way is the way of disobedience. The only way we can know Your way is not by how it looks to us, but by the clear leading of the Holy Spirit, pointing the way, and prodding us when we slow down or turn aside. Help me to always seek Your way, even if it looks treacherous, even if it means turning away from ease and public acclaim. Help me to be ever faithful to Your calling on my like, just like Jesus was. Amen.