Matthew 13:45-46 (NIV) “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”

This second parable about the value of the kingdom of God seems redundant to some, but the emphasis and details are much different than in the parable of the hidden treasure.

In the first parable, the man who finds it is not a treasure hunter.  He is simply someone who has eyes to see what many others had overlooked, and digs where he sees the signs.  In this parable, however, the man is actively searching for fine pearls.  This is the man who is on a spiritual quest, looking for what is true, wherever he may find it.

Such people are quite common these days.  Some spend time identifying as a Buddhist, and then perhaps they search for wisdom in the Koran.  Then perhaps they move on to Zen, or Transcendental Meditation, or Baha’i.  They may even dabble in the popular version of Christianity.  But their search leaves them always hungry for more “wisdom,” more “truth,” more “meaning.”

But in his looking, the man in this parable suddenly finds a pearl of great value, one that is perfect in every way.  And then, something miraculous happens:  the man quits looking for more or better pearls; he gets out of the business, and keeps the one pearl of great value for himself.

Those who are continually trying to find truth will only cease their seeking when they come to that which is so true, so valuable, that it satisfies their deepest longing for what is true.  And the only thing that will satisfy that longing is the real gospel, the genuine good news of the kingdom of God.

This is not the popular version of Christianity that is traded in so many churches today, a version that holds out eternal life in exchange for a simple prayer, or the raising of one’s hand, but then expects nothing in return except perhaps attendance at church services.  This “gospel” leaves the heart of real truth seekers unsatisfied, and soon they are gone.

The real gospel, the good news of the kingdom of God, is entered into through real repentance and true faith in Jesus.  And it costs those who would come in everything, including their very lives.  But the value of what they get in return, not just heaven someday, but life in the kingdom of heaven here and now, God’s presence, His power, His purity, His purpose for their lives, and His passion for those who are still lost, so far surpasses any truth that the world or other religions can possibly offer, that they cease all looking for other truth.  They have found the Truth Himself!

Father, I used to be one of those who had a smorgasbord kind of faith:  a little truth from here, a little truth from there.  But none of it ever really satisfied me.  Instead, I was always on the prowl for new truth, new “light.”  But then I came face-to-face with Jesus.  I saw myself as I truly was in His sight:  wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.  I despaired of any hope of salvation.  But then He offered me, not just heaven someday, but a new life – a life that He had bought for me with His own blood, paying the horrendous penalty I had earned by my sin.  I gladly repented, traded my entire old life for the new one He offered, took up my own cross, and began to follow Him with my whole heart.  The truth that is in Jesus is the real truth.  The life that He offers is real life.  I have stopped my seeking after better pearls of truth, and have been focused on serving You, and in knowing every facet of this one pearl of great value for 32 years now.  Thank you so much.  Amen.