Mark 13:24-27 (NIV):  “But in those days, following that distress, “‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.”

Jesus moves back and forth seamlessly between the coming destruction of Jerusalem and His return at the end of all things.  He can do this because of the similarities between those times (and between those times and previous instances of God’s judging both His people and those of other nations).  The details of those times and the time of the end differ primarily in scope.

In the days following the great distress of the siege of Jerusalem, God’s judgment was destined to fall on those who survived.  The end of the siege was not going to be relief, but destruction and captivity.  It seemed to them that all light had gone from the earth, as if the sun, moon, and stars had all lost their ability to give light.

And then God’s judgment fell on them, all who had rejected Him by rejecting His Messiah.  It was just as it had been during the first fall of Jerusalem. All of those who had rejected God by turning away from Him and His laws to worship idols found themselves captives in the dark of His judgment.

And that is how it will be at the end as well, except that God’s judgment will not fall on a single city or land.  Instead, all of those who reject God will find themselves terrified by the signs that appear in heaven and on earth, and will feel as if they are running in the dark.  The things that they have used for safety and security will prove to be of no use at all on that day.  Even bomb shelters and bullet-proof houses and vehicles will provide no safety or shelter at the end of the world.

And then, just when it seems like things could not be more terrifying, all mankind will see Jesus coming in the clouds with great power and glory.  Those whose lives have been lived in Jesus will rejoice as they anticipate being caught up with him, but those who have rejected Him, denied Him, and have even convinced themselves that He never existed, will suddenly be overcome with a terror like nothing they had ever known.

At that time it will be too late to turn.  Those who have lived their lives apart from Jesus, in rebellion against His salvation and His teachings, will not think of repenting or admitting their error.  Instead, they will be completely overwhelmed with terror at the sight of the One they have rejected.  They will be consumed with their useless efforts to flee from the presence of the One who fills the universe.

Father, this is a terrifying picture, especially for those who reject Jesus, those who live carelessly, unheeding of Your warnings that all of this will come to an end when Jesus returns.  And it is troubling to those of us who have family and friends who have rejected You.  Lord, help us not to be made immobile by this troubling picture.  Instead, help it to move us boldly out into the harvest fields, steadfastly doing the work of making disciples of all nations, including our families, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and everybody we care about, so that they will not be on the wrong side when Jesus returns.  Amen.