Matthew 23:12 (NIV):  For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

The humility that God requires of people is not the kind that “eats dirt” all the time, or that requires people to beat up on themselves.  That kind of “humility” can be totally false, and quickly becomes toxic.  True humility is what Jesus called “meekness” – a realistic view of oneself and one’s standing before God.  A proud heart compares itself to those around it, and determines that it is better than some, or even most.  It is the spirit of the Pharisee who stood before God and compared himself favorably to the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14).  This pride thrusts a person forward – they are focused on themselves, and God takes second place.  True humility looks at God first, and sees oneself in His light.  It’s not that a person sees themselves as worthless, but they see themselves truly and accurately.  A truly humble Christian knows that they are in relationship with God, but they know that they are in that relationship through God’s grace.  They know that they are righteous, but they know that their righteousness comes by God’s Spirit working in them and moving them to obey His commands (Ezekiel 36:26).  They know that they are dearly loved and cared for, but they know that God’s love is not given to them because they deserve it or are worthy of it, but because it is God’s nature to love and care for them.  These humble people put God first, and compare themselves to no one; they serve God out of love and gratitude, and are able to love others as themselves, because there is no hierarchy or superiority to be maintained.  It is the humility that characterized Moses, Paul, and even Jesus.  Those who keep a humble heart, those who put God first, who serve God and love Him wholeheartedly, He will exalt.  Those who are proud and self-focused, the opposite of humility, He will bring down.

Father, help me to be humble with this true humility.  Help me to always remember where I was when You saved me, and to always give You thanks for how far You have brought me.  All that I am You have made me.  All that is good in me has come from You.  Even my love originates from Your own heart.  Thank You forever!  Amen.