Hebrews 11:5-6 (HCSB)
By faith Enoch was taken away so he did not experience death, and he was not to be found because God took him away. For prior to his removal he was approved, since he had pleased God. Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him.

In his list of illustrations of faith and action, the writer of Hebrews turns to an obscure but significant individual in world history: Enoch.

Enoch is obscure, because apart from Jude 14-15, a quote from a book that bore his name, and these two verses in Hebrews, his entire entry in the biblical record consists of five verses: Genesis: 5:18, 21-24. But he is significant, because this amazing individual broke humanity’s mold.

Many people merely skim the biblical genealogies or skip them altogether. Their monotonous rhythm of “Person A was x years old when he fathered Person B. Person A lived y years after the birth of Person B, and he fathered other sons and daughters. So Person A’s life lasted z years; then he died” is not very stimulating!

But the life story of Enoch, although as short as the rest, has three significant differences. First, Enoch has the shortest recorded earthly life span in the era before the flood. Second, Enoch did not merely live for the 365 years. He is recorded as walking with God for all those years.

And finally, Enoch’s life story does not end with the ubiquitous “then he died”. Instead, it is noted that he was not there, because God took him. Thus, he became one of only two people in world history who did not experience death but was instead transformed and taken directly to heaven. (The other is Elijah, who was swept up to heaven in a whirlwind of fire (2 Kings 2:11).) These two thus became the model for all who are still alive when Jesus returns, never tasting death, but being transformed in the twinkling of an eye. (1 Corinthians 15:51-53).

The writer of Hebrews notes that the description of Enoch as walking with God indicated that his life and lifestyle were pleasing to God, which he points out is only possible with the faith that he has been describing. Such a faith must first believe that God exists. But then it must also act consistently in the knowledge and understanding that God does indeed reward all who insert seek him through holy living and obedience to His commandments.

Father, Enoch is indeed an amazing individual whose testimony of faithfulness to You has come to us from the very beginning of time. Even without the presence of the Holy Spirit that we have available to us today through faith in Jesus, Enoch lived a life completely pleasing to You and was rewarded for it. So, we who have received so much more than he had really have no excuse ourselves. Help me, Lord, to truly walk with You every single day, to please You with my every thought, word and deed every single day, so that I can stand before You unashamed, like Enoch did, when this life is over. Amen.