1 Kings 19:9-10 (NIV):  There he went into a cave and spent the night. And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.”

When trouble or frustration come into a believer’s life, it is very common for us to feel as if we are all alone, trying to do the work of the kingdom by ourselves; misunderstood, mistreated, and misused.  At those times it is quite common for God to hear prayers very like the one Elijah prayed:  “I am trying to serve You, Lord, but the way is too hard, and I am all alone, and I am just one person.”

The way of a true disciple is often a lonely way, just as Jesus many times felt alone in the midst of His labors.  He had no one that He could talk with at His own level among all of His disciples.  Instead, He was much like an elementary school teacher who spends all of their time among the children whom they are teaching and, as much as they love them, and enjoy teaching them, they crave adult complain and adult conversation.  Even among the teachers of Israel, such as Nicodemus, He found none with whom He could have the depth of spiritual conversation He longed for.  And so, every day, several times some days, He went to the Lord, the One with whom He could really share His heart.

That’s one of the big reasons Elijah came to God on the mountain:  he felt all alone in his calling, and the loneliness of feeling like he was the last living person truly serving God was freaking him out!  He longed to be safe, secure, and assured that he was really walking in God’s ways – something no earthly person could give him.

While Elijah traveled to meet with God, God gave him provisions for the trip (1 Kings 19:3-8), and when He spoke to him, He not only gave him very specific tasks to perform to help him to refocus (vv 15-17), but He encouraged him by helping him to see that he was really far from alone – there were still 7,000 true followers even in the darkness that was Israel.

Today when we as God’s people are feeling frustrated, fearful, or discouraged we still need to get alone and spend some quality time with Him.  We can pour out our frustrations to Him, sure, but there is no real healing in that.  Instead, we need to quiet our hearts and listen for His voice.  Then God will help us to see the way forward, and encourage our hearts, so that we can move forward in His strength.

Father, I can’t count the number of times that You have done this for me.  Whether my way was dim and cloudy, or completely hidden in pitch blackness, every time that I have sought You with all of my heart, every time that I have listened with all of my soul, You have spoken to me both comfort and guidance.  Thank You!  Amen.