Hebrews 4:12-13 (HCSB)
For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart. No creature is hidden from Him, but all things are naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give an account.

Many of the Jewish people considered the Scriptures to be dead words, having truly been spoken by God over the centuries, but spoken into a specific time and place to a specific people. But the writer of Hebrews knew better.

Even though God’s words were spoken to specific people, they are applicable to anyone who wants to be one of God’s people. They apply to all situations at all times, because God never changes, so His statutes and requirements never change. Even though many today see the Scriptures, especially the Old Testament, as only applicable to the Jewish nation of 3500 years ago, the standards in them are applicable to every person living today.

Even though God’s words were spoken into specific situations, they applicable to all situations. The principles behind them are based in God’s character and his wisdom, which never change, and thus have a much wider scope than the single situation into which they were spoken.

Even though God’s words were spoken at a specific place, the principles in them are applicable to all places and all times. Even though there are cultural and language differences, people at heart are very much the same. They have the same hopes and fears, the same strengths and weaknesses of character, and they are all subject to the same sinfulness and lostness. And God’s word contains a solution to all of those.

God also sees into the heart of every person and can use the words of His Scriptures to encourage or to shame; to build up, or to tear down; to confront, and to move forward. Because God knows exactly where each person is, inside and out, He can lead each person to the precise Scripture that they need at any given moment, and then apply that Scripture to their precise situation.

Father, I have experienced this myself. I have been both confronted and encouraged by Your word; steered away from wrong choices and guided to and encouraged in the correct choices. You truly do know me, inside and out. You know who I am and where I am. You know my needs and my desires. You know my successes and my failures. And you are able to use your word to guide me in every place that I find myself. Thank you, Lord! Amen.