2 Corinthians 6:11-13 (HCSB)
We have spoken openly to you, Corinthians; our heart has been opened wide. You are not limited by us, but you are limited by your own affections. I speak as to my children. As a proper response, you should also be open to us.

Paul is being very vulnerable in this letter. In the preceding paragraphs he has outlined who he is called to be, an ambassador of God’s Kingdom and a messenger of the transformation that only comes through faith in Jesus. And he freely shares all the sacrifices he has made and the sufferings he has undergone to fulfill that calling.

Paul has held back none of himself. He is giving himself freely to the work. And, as a part of that, has given himself fully to the Corinthians as well. Paul lived in Corinth for 18 months (Acts 18:11) despite the hardness of the work, the recalcitrance of the Corinthians believers themselves, and the opposition of the Jews. In the process, Paul poured himself out for them, opening his heart to them, sharing his very being with them out of his love for them and his concern for their eternal destiny.

But now, through the conflict that has arisen, many of the Corinthians have closed their hearts to Paul, and he is having a hard time communicating effectively with them. This is not because his words are ineffective, but because they are bouncing off the closed and hardened hearts of those he most longs to reach.

Paul’s plea is simply that the Corinthians would open their hearts to him again. Not only will open hearts allow his words to be heard and understood, but they will also allow the loving relationship between Paul and the people for whom he has sacrificed so much to be renewed.

Father, many times we allow hurt feelings to control and overwhelmed relationships, sometimes damaging them beyond repair. But that is not Your plan for us. You told us over and over again that we are to forgive even our enemies, how much more our Christian brothers and sisters. Unity of hearts leads to synergy in ministry, opening us up to the free flow of Your Spirit, and enabling exponential growth. Conflict, fostering hurts, and closed off hearts stops all that cold. Lord, help me to always keep an open heart with everyone. Show me any relationship I have closed my heart to, so that I can repent and reestablish it, so that your work can move forward more easily. Amen.