Luke 23:26 (NIV):  As they led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.


Simon was forced to do what every believer in Jesus is called to do:  to take up the cross and follow Jesus.  What was merely a gross but short-term inconvenience for Simon is to become a lifestyle for the Christian.  Not something done once a week, but a continuing action every day.  And there is an even deeper difference.  When the group reached the place of execution, Simon shed his burden, because it was someone else’s cross he was carrying.  For each Christian living the life of Christ, we are called to take up our OWN cross every day (Luke 9:23), and to literally laying our lives down as an offering to God (Romans 12:1-2).  It is only through death that new life can be made manifest in God’s people.  But far too many Christians don’t really understand this facet of living with Him, and so they end up remaining spiritual children until they do.  But it is critical for the growth of the kingdom that every Christian be 100% sold out to God and His agenda – mere intellectual assent will not do.


Father, help me to take up my cross each new day, even today, and carry it so that I can follow in Jesus’ footsteps, and help grow the kingdom.  Make my whole life an acceptable sacrifice to You.  Amen.