John 19:16 (NIV):  Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus.


Pilate really did try to stand firm and do the right thing.  He knew that the business between Jesus and the religious leaders was none of his affair, that it was at best a religious issue, not a political issue.  He tried to keep from being drug into it at all, and once in it, he tried to persuade the people to back off.  But they finally wore him down.  They kept after him, raising the stakes and the intensity until he finally caved.  He handed Jesus over to them to be crucified, unwilling placing his stamp of approval, and that of the whole Roman Empire as well, on Jesus’ conviction and execution.

These days God’s people are under the same kind of pressure.  The forces of secularism and worldliness have joined together with the forces of sin and ungodliness to form a genuine axis of evil that is beginning to put a lot of pressure on Christians to compromise on vital issues of character, morality and spirituality, as well as on the issue of the trustworthiness and truthfulness of the Bible itself.  And, even here at the beginning of this war, the pressure has been enough to make many, even leaders who should know better, to cave.  They have let themselves get worn down, and they quickly lose the will to continue the fight, at best putting up only a token resistance, and at worst making public proclamations that throw God, Jesus, the Bible, and the true Church all under the bus in a lump.  And at the same time they, willing or unwillingly, wittingly or unwittingly, place their stamp of approval, and that of the whole “Church” on this undercutting of biblical Christianity, giving the side of evil more power and ammunition, and demoralizing those fighting for the side of Truth and godliness.  They are bringing terrible judgment on themselves.

God’s people must stand strong!  This is only the beginning of the battle; the pressure has only begun, and will intensify, especially as the betrayers fold, and in the process join the ranks of the enemy.  Stand strong, and take heart.  God is no less mighty that He was in the days when He created the universe, or the days when He decimated the Egyptians and laid waste those nations who defied Him and His rule and authority.  He will be the victor in this battle, too.  But only those who stand strong to the end will share with Him the victor’s crown!


Father, this is very encouraging.  It can be disheartening to see so much compromise, even among leaders in the Church.  It is discouraging to watch as Christians fall prey to these pressure tactics and collapse under the strain, even here at the beginning.  Father, make us strong in You, not only able to withstand the pressure, but to push back the boundaries of darkness with Your light.  Encourage our hearts, and strengthen our spirits so that we can stand until the end.  Amen.