Acts 7:51-53 (NIV)
“You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him–you who have received the law that was put into effect through angels but have not obeyed it.”

Stephen’s diatribe has now reached its climax. Stephen had been charged with blasphemy against Moses and against the temple. But in this final declaration, he revealed God’s charges against the Jewish leaders.

The first charge is that they were continually resisting the Holy Spirit as God tried to guide and direct them in His ways. This was due to their stiff necks and uncircumcised hearts and ears. The imagery of a stiff neck comes from an ox who refuses to be yoked. He arches his neck so that the yoke will not slide down onto it. Through this image, God is accusing the leaders of refusing to come under His authority, instead willfully going their own way.

The imagery of uncircumcised hearts and ears hold the accusation of worldliness and willful deafness to God’s voice. Many of the members of the Sanhedrin were quite worldly, piling up earthly treasures for themselves while their heavenly accounts were empty. And because of their focus on building wealth and reputation for themselves, they refused to listen to God’s voice as He tried to guide them in the kingdom paths of self-sacrifice and humility.

The second charge that God leveled against these leaders was that they were continuing in the ways of their forefathers, actively persecuting those whom God had sent to them, prophets, godly priests, Jesus the Messiah, and now His followers who were speaking God’s truth to them.

This led to the third and final charge: breaking God’s laws by bearing false witness against the innocent, harboring hatred against the godly, and committing murder to maintain the status quo and to protect their own authority. These men knew the law, taught the law, and held others accountable for obeying the law. But they themselves felt free to disobey the law when they felt that it was expedient.

Father, these are serious charges, but they are demonstrably true, as was about to be demonstrated as these leaders turned into a murderous mob. Lord, You see the hearts of everyone, and mercifully show us our sins so that we can see them, hate them, and repent of them. But these men were so far away from You that their response to their sins being uncovered was hatred and violence against the one who was telling them the truth. They truly did fill up the cup of their ancestors’ sin. Help me, Lord, to always stay obedient and compliant, with a heart and ears that are circumcised, clean of self-interest and willfulness. And help me to live every moment of my life in accordance with Your commandments, so that I can bring You glory every day. Amen.

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