Luke 23:32-34 (NIV):  Two other men, both criminals, were also led out with him to be executed.  When they came to the place called the Skull, there they crucified him, along with the criminals–one on his right, the other on his left.  Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.


Jesus pled for forgiveness for the Romans who were nailing Him to the cross.  They had no idea who Jesus was – they were just following orders, and treated Jesus exactly like the two others who were crucified at the same time.  Even though it was their hands driving the nails, He pled for God to forgive them – they really had no idea that the man they were executing was God’s Son.  He did not offer His prayer for the religious leaders who intentionally handed Him over and who consciously forced Pilate’s hand to issue the execution order.  These were not unknowing participants, but conscious schemers who knew who Jesus was (the weight of His words and the miracles were more than enough to show these people, who claimed to be religious-minded, that He was the Messiah), yet they plotted what they believed was His demise.  My judgment was already on them.  Later a few of them repented and received forgiveness, but by and large, these were already so hard-hearted and sin-twisted that they would not admit their wrong, repent, or plead for forgiveness.  This was also shown by the way they treated the disciples after Pentecost.


Father, it is a fearsome thing for us to allow our hearts to become so hard and unyielding that we will not turn to You for forgiveness, so that even while we are crucifying Your Son, we believe we are acting righteously.  Keep our hearts, soft, pliable, and steerable, so that we will never get to that place.  Amen.