Matthew 5:5 (NIV):  Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.


The meek have always been and will always be the ones who will inherit the earth.  But the meek are not those normally depicted by society as the meek. The common caricature of meekness is the doormat, the one who never speaks up, who is timid and shy.  But true meekness is worlds different than that!  True meekness is total submission and total obedience to God and His will.  The meek are those like Noah, who boldly spoke God’s word to a doomed world while building the ark that would protect Him from God’s wrath.  They are those like Moses who stood in God’s very presence and delivered His words to the people of Israel, leading them to the land they would inherit.  They are those like Elijah, challenging the priests of Baal and Asherah to a showdown on Mt. Carmel.  They are those like John the Baptist, a real fire-and-brimstone preacher, calling out the spiritual elite for their shortcomings and fearlessly confronting kings with their sins.  They are those like Peter and Paul, boldly proclaiming the gospel message, even to rulers and authorities, in spite of beatings and imprisonment.  And, of course, the ultimate example of meekness is Jesus, who would not make a move without His Father’s specific direction, who cast out demons, pronounced God’s judgment on powerful leaders, cast out the money changers, and ultimately died for the people and rose again.

None of these people were “meek” by the world’s standards, but all of them were “the meek”, those fully submissive to God and His will.  And all of them inherited not just the earth, but heaven as well!


Father, thank You for this clarity.  Help me to be that kind of meek, starting right now.  I am all Yours, Yours to guide, Yours to direct, Yours to use.  Amen.