Today started off very cold – 7 BELOW Zero in Flagstaff!  Sharla and I woke up, read the weather report, and gasped…we had left liquid stuff in the car overnight, including some water-based liquids in the box for the Indian School!  We instantly had pictures of cough syrup in broken bottles leaked all over the rest of the stuff in the box, as well as broken pop bottles from frozen soda pop, and soda all over everything else in the car.  I didn’t have the guts to check it out until after breakfast!  Then Sharla and I went out, and we couldn’t believe what we found:  The soda bottles were solidly frozen, but none of them had leaked. A case of water on the floorboard was still totally liquid (cold, but liquid).  And none of the stuff in the box for the Indian School had frozen at all!  We count this as a mighty miracle!  It really was seven below zero, but all of this stuff, left outside for 12 hours or more, hadn’t frozen!

We were still praising God several miles down the road to Sun Valley.  We stopped at Winslow at the WalMart, and got a few supplies, and then arrived at the School at about 1:30 p.m.  We took the stuff to the nurse’s office, and she gave us the key to our apartment for the night.  (It’s a cute little thing – a kitchen/living room, a bathroom, and a bedroom.  But it’s dry and warm!)  We then discovered that we left Sharla’s coat at home, leaving her with only a sweatshirt to brave the next week of below freezing temperatures.  So we went back to Winslow, and found a great sale on a very nice coat that will keep her nice and toasty.

Before we left for Winslow, we found out that there were a couple of lambs born over Christmas.  (Photo attached.)  Cute little black lambs – we could barely see them, because they were quite a ways from the fence, and they were laying down.  We also took a picture of the “storefront sign” that our Work and Witness Team painted before we left in June.  True to his word, Fred put it up in the Frontier City.

Tomorrow morning we will be hitting the road bright and early for the Church at Nazlini.  It’s a 2-hour trip, and we want to be there before service starts at 11, so we’ll be leaving here between 8 and 8:30.

Praying for everyone back home that tomorrow will be a wonderful day with the Lord.  Keep praying for us, safety, and the Lord’s continued blessings!ImageImageImage