Sabbatical Trip – Day 4

Sabbatical Trip – Day 4

Wow!  What a strange day.  We were getting things packed up at Ma and Uncle Chuck’s in Victorville, when it was brought to my attention that it was snowing outside!  And sure enough, the snow was falling (horizontally, the wind was also blowing 20-30 miles per...

Sabbatical Trip – Day 3

Back on my computer, so I have capital letters!Today was very laid back and pleasant.  We slept until about 10:00 this morning (Comfortable bed + complete exhaustion), and had breakfast of roll-up hotcakes and ham (Delicious!).  Then Sharla & I watched a video...

Sabbatical Trip- Day 2

we had a wonderful breakfast with the wornells, and then headed out at 9.30, destination victorville, california. it was a very long day, we got here safely at 10.30, and have had a wonderful visit with mom and uncle chuck. we will be here until thursday morning. by...

Sabbatical Trip – Day One

Sharla and I left home at 9:20 this morning (dangerously close to our planned time of 9:00!), and we made it to Medford safe and sound by 2:10.  Sharla’s District interview was at 2:30, so we had plenty of leeway.  The trip down was uneventful, with lots of...

Work & Witness – Day 11

We woke up bright an early this morning in Las Vegas and, after a quick breakfast and a very Tetris session of packing the van, we hit the road about 7:30. We got lost trying to find the correct freeway (conflicting GPS information again), but finally headed out of...
Work & Witness – Day 6

Work & Witness – Day 6

Big time work day today.  Everybody kept busy, projects were completed, new projects were started, and after dinner we all kind of collapsed into our chairs for devotional time and a team meeting. I don’t know how we are doing as far as what we have accomplished...