A very interesting day!

Sharla and I started out by going over to Yavapai Point at 7:15 to watch the sun rise over the Grand Canyon.  It was impressive.  You could see “first light” on the cliffs opposite us before you can see the sun itself!

After the sun was well up, we had breakfast at the Bright Angel Restaurant.  (It was very good!)  We then took off to the viewpoints to the west, starting at the farthest one from the hotel, and working our way back.  We got about 2/3 of the viewpoints visited before we ran short on time.  While we were going from viewpoint to viewpoint, we kept running across a group of three men. Eventually, when we had ended up at the third viewpoint together, we struck up a conversation.  They turned out to be 2 brothers, Gary and Dennis Ericson, from Iowa, and their dad, who had all come to the Canyon as a kind of family outing.  Gary and Dennis are both Christians, so Sharla and I had a good visit, and even discussed some theology with them.

After seeing a lot of the Canyon, Sharla and I went to a food court at one of the hotels for a late lunch, and then went back to Yavapai Point to the geology museum there; it was touted as one of the “must sees” for anyone visiting the Canyon.  It turned out not to be so much a museum as a propaganda piece for the “billions of years” theory of the creation of the Canyon.  All of the conjectures about origins were presented as absolute scientific fact, which is disturbing from several different standpoints.  We both still believe that the Bible’s teachings on the origin of the universe, the earth, and even the Grand Canyon (a product of the flood and the events after it) is the most compelling in its simplicity, as well as its scientifically supported accuracy.

At about 4:30, we left the Canyon and started the long trek homeward.  For today we made it as far as Henderson, Nevada (a suburb of Las Vegas).  Tomorrow we plant to make it to Fallon, just outside of Reno, to visit my Aunt and Uncle and cousins.

Well, our bodies are saying that it’s an hour later than the clocks here (due to the time change when we crossed into Nevada), so we are headed to bed.  Please keep praying for safe travels.  Love to all!ImageImageImageImageImage