Read with Me

1 Peter 3:7 (HCSB)
Husbands, in the same way, live with your wives with an understanding of their weaker nature yet showing them honor as coheirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.

Listen with Me

Many of the gentile Christians were all pagans before they turned to the Lord and many of the men were still pagans, even though their wives had come to trust in Jesus. So, Peters focus for these women was living out their faith in such a way that their husbands could see the truth of the gospel in their own lives and surrender to Jesus.

On the other hand, then as now, when the husbands trusted in Jesus, their whole family usually received Him at the same time. (See the Philippian jailer in Act 16:31–34 for an excellent example.) That is the kind of influence that the man as the spiritual leader of the family has, whether they are devoted to Jesus or to pagan gods. As they go, their whole family goes, and the places in which they compromise also spread out and contaminate the lives of the whole family.

Peter writes to the Christian men throughout the empire, emphasizing that they are not to not use their authority and influence harshly, discouraging or pushing down their wives. And, of course, there is absolutely no allowance made for physical or emotional abuse. Instead, each man is to take on the character of Jesus in his relationship with his wife, treating her with the respect that is due her on account of the fact that she, too, is made in the image of God, and is a coheir with the husband of the kingdom of God.

Peter also notes that a violation of these standards will actually hinder the effectiveness of the man’s prayers, because treating his wife with disrespect, harshness, disdain, or violence is an actual sin. Even though the standards of the day allowed, and sometimes even encouraged, harsh treatment of women, the standards of God’s kingdom are completely different, because they are not based on societal mores, but on God’s divine character.

Pray with Me

Father, this is a needed corrective in our time, as well. There are a lot of women and adult children whose husband or father, though claiming to be saved, was harsh and cruel, damaging their self-worth, and frequently turning them against the faith. But You placed men in authority over their families, and You do hold each of man accountable for how they execute that authority. Lord, help us to continue to help the men around us to see clearly that You care not only for them, but for their wives and children as well, and that they, as the leaders of their families, are responsible before You to care for them as your representative. Amen.