Read with Me

Hebrews 13:15-16 (HCSB)
Therefore, through Him let us continually offer up to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that confess His name. Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share, for God is pleased with such sacrifices.

Listen with Me

The “therefore” in the first sentence points back to verse 14 and the promise of an eternal city that is to come, the heavenly Jerusalem in which all those who love God through faith in Jesus will live with him forever. Since we have that sure promise, it is fitting and appropriate for all of us to give God praise, not just with our lips or with our music, but continual praise from the heart as we confess the name of Jesus, tell of what He has done, and share the good news with others.

And that praise is not something that must be “worked up” or artificially encouraged. As the writer points out, it is the fruit, the natural, spontaneous outgrowth of lips that confess the name of Jesus. Many people have the sequence backwards, believing that if they experience good worship, they will be encouraged to go out and tell people about Jesus. But the writer has the sequence correct. It is when we are faithful in sharing the gospel with others that we begin to produce the fruit of deep and spontaneous praise and worship.

The writer also encourages his readers to continue to do good works for others, and to share what we have with those in need. He recognizes that this is not always easy, that it is, in fact, a sacrifice, and at times a challenge. But he encourages his readers to continue even when it is hard, because God is pleased with such obedient sacrifices and will reward his people who do them with his presence and his blessing.

Pray with Me

Father, thank you for this encouragement today. I especially appreciate You pointing out that faithfulness in sharing Jesus with others is what produces authentic praise and worship. And I have noticed that it decidedly does not work in reverse as many think it should. Those who have had a good worship experience generally do not then go out and share Jesus with others. They simply go on with their lives with the light progressively fading from their faces until they get “charged up” in their next worship service. Lord, help us to not be people who seek powerful worship experiences, hoping that those will somehow change our lives. Help us instead to be people who are faithful in the work you have called us to and have saved us to perform. Then the fruit of our worship will be infinitely more satisfying, rewarding and long-lasting. Amen.