I am taking a one-day break from my normal “Scripture of the Day” format (which I sincerely hope you are finding enlightening!) to share a thought with you.

the Grand Canyon is one of my favorite places on the face of the earth. I had never been there until just after my first wife passed away suddenly in 2007. Since then, I have been there 8 times, and it is never the same experience twice.

There is something about standing on the edge of something so huge (10 miles across more than a mile deep, and 277 miles long) that helps the rest of the world slide into its proper perspective.

A few years ago, I was standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon again, just enjoying the cool breeze wafting gently up to the south rim, when the though crossed my mind: You know, in the grand scheme of things, I am pretty small and insignificant.

That thought was immediate answered by a quiet but insistent voice from the depths of my heart: “That is not true! In the grand scheme of things I may be small, but I am NOT insignificant. I am known by God, I am loved by God, I am indwelt by God, and I have been given a role to play in God’s kingdom. I matter!”

There have been several times since then, especially in the last year and a half where everything seemed to be conspiring to push me down, to make me feel powerless and insignificant, to put me in a cell of self-limitations. But when those times have come, I feel that cool breath blowing in my face, and I hear that voice again: I matter!

God bless all who read this!

Pastor Will