Ephesians 1:4-6 (NIV)
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will–to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.

Paul uses two very important words in this section: “chose” and “predestined”. To understand his meaning, and the great truths he is putting forth here, it is important to understand a bit of metaphysics (things having to do with the supernatural).

God is eternal, living outside of space and time. Thus, He is not bound by the physical universe or by laws of time and space, physical laws by which He sustains things. That also means that He can simultaneously see backward to the beginning of the universe, forward to its ultimate destruction, and every time in between.

So, He knew from the very foundation of the world who would turn to Him and who would refuse, who would repent, and who would insist on continuing in their own path. And as He looked down through time, God chose to be His people those whom He knew in advance would repent and follow Him, in order to bless them with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms, and to be holy and blameless, the people of His kingdom.

For those whom He foreknew and whom he chose because of that foreknowledge, God also designed destiny: not only to become his kingdom, but to become His sons and daughters, adopted into His family and made co-heirs of all He has, right along with Jesus Himself (Romans 8:17). He also predestined them to be conformed to the image of Jesus (Romans 8:19), to become just like Him in attitude and power, so that they can embody His limitless grace in the world and drawing people into His kingdom where they, too, can take their places as called ones and share in this amazing destiny He has designed for them.

All this was designed and implemented out of grace and love for all mankind, giving everyone who wants to the ability to repent (John 3:16; Acts 2:21, 10:43, Romans 1:16 and others), knowing in advance that there will be many who reject His love. But for those who do repent, who receive Jesus and surrender to His Lordship, God has an eternal destiny planned, starting with adoption and real transformation here and now, and culminating with a celebration around His throne that will last forever.

Father, the fact that You hold out this offer, completely undeserved by any of us, solely out of Your love and grace is amazing to me. I am so grateful that You gave me the opportunity to respond to your offer of salvation, transformation, and eternal life, as completely unworthy as I was, so that I could choose you and thus be chosen by You. And I am grateful that I am receiving from your hand the destiny You have prepared for me in advance. Amazing love! Amazing grace! Amen.