John 12:9-11 (NIV)
Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him.

In this passage, we can easily see how evil grows and spreads if it is allowed to take root in the human heart.

Word spread quickly that Jesus was at the house of Lazarus and his sisters, so many people from the surrounding area, including Jerusalem, headed for Bethany. Their main goal was to see Jesus and to hear Him teach, maybe see or receive a miracle. But the fact that they could also see Lazarus, the man who was four days dead when Jesus brought him back to life, was an additional attraction.

The whole thing dismayed the chief priests beyond imagination. Even with all their harsh denunciation of Jesus, even with their stern commands that anyone who knew where He could be found was required to let them know so that they could arrest Him, His influence on the people and His draw on their hearts and minds continued unabated.

It had only been a few weeks since Lazarus had been raised, but the story of the outstanding miracle had spread far and wide, inspiring awe, and bolstering Jesus’ reputation as a godly man and a great prophet. That worked in direct opposition to the high priests’ agenda to destroy His reputation and to smear Him as a renegade, a Sabbath breaker, and a sinner who was intent on leading God’s people astray.

In their desperate casting about for an alternate strategy, the high priests actually determined that it would be best if Lazarus were killed as well. If the principle exhibit of Jesus’ power was taken down, if his resurrection could be shown to be only temporary, they believed it would destroy an important part of the narrative that was currently exalting Him in the minds and hearts of the people.

Father, the depths of human depravity, even among some who were looked up to as the spiritual leaders of the people, is dismaying. But in these few short verses is a clear warning for all Your people. If we allow our own agendas to take priority over Your agenda, we will enter onto a path that will quickly draw us far out of Your way, even to the point where we could consider character assassination, and even physical assassination, justified. Protect us, Lord, from any such turning from Your way. Amen.