Luke 11:2b-3 (NIV) “your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread.”

The first part of this form prayer that Jesus taught His disciples, sometimes with more detail (Matthew 6:9-15), and sometimes with less, as here,, focuses on worship and adoration of God. It then moves on to practical kingdom living.

The next petition is “your kingdom come.” This is not a petition for Jesus’ return, but for God’s kingdom to become a living reality in the lives of all of God’s people. Matthew’s version includes a brief addendum to this petition that explains it more fully: “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The kingdom of heaven existed on earth then, and still exists and operates today, in the hearts of all who are committed to doing God’s will on earth in the same way that it is done in heaven: instantly, joyfully, and completely.

Included in this petition is an implied commitment on the part of those praying it to their own obedience to God’s will, instantly, joyfully, and completely. In that way, the kingdom is not only present, but grows into the lives of those around who see the good works of Jesus’ followers, and give glory to God (Matthew 5:16).

The next petition is for daily provision. The imagery used is of the Israelites in the wilderness who had to depend on God to provide manna, daily bread. They relied on God, and every day when they went out to receive their daily bread, the sustenance that they needed for that day, it was there. On the day before the Sabbath God provided twice as much and miraculously preserved it from decay so that they didn’t have to go out to get their bread on the Sabbath (Exodus 16:23-26). For forty years, God provided the daily bread for the Israelites, and never let them go hungry a single day. In the same way, God’s people today can ask for and receive their own provision, the sustenance that they need to live, day by day.

Father, I can’t help but see the intimate connection between these two petitions. As we commit ourselves to living consciously in Your kingdom, manifesting Your glory and obeying Your will, we are given the great privilege of asking for what we need each day, and receiving it (Matthew 6:35). Thank You for this amazing promise contained in the petitions given to us by Jesus Himself. Amen.