Luke 6:39-40 (NIV) He also told them this parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into a pit? A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

Everyone who wants to grow spiritually must choose their teacher carefully. In every age there have been men and women who put themselves forward as teachers and gurus, some offering their services for free, others offering their services for a fee, or sometimes for publicity, for increased reputation because of how many students they are able to attract.

Some of these teacher were and are blind guides, false teachers who cannot see the ways of the kingdom, and who teach a dead faith of rules and regulations. In Jesus’ day, most of the Pharisees and teachers of the law fell into this category. They had no spiritual life in themselves, no power to push back spiritual darkness, to heal bodies, or to raise the dead. But still they pushed themselves forward as great spiritual teachers because of their intellectual knowledge.

As Jesus pointed out, the norm is for students to approach the knowledge and skill of their teacher. But it is the extremely rare student who will surpass their master. The goal is to become like the master. And if your master has a lot of head knowledge, but no spiritual power, that is what you will become if you apprentice yourself to them – that is as high as you can go.

The secret is in choosing the right teacher. Those who apprentice themselves to Jesus as His disicples are learning from the most spiritually alive and powerful teacher who ever lived. Therefore, they can look forward to being like Him, to having that same kind of spiritual life and power in their own lives when they are fully trained and sent forth into the harvest. No one will ever surpass Jesus in spiritual life and power, but becoming like Him is not only a reasonable goal of those who genuinely follow Him, it is actually promised in this passage.

Father, this is a mind blowing promise that You are making to us. To become like our teacher is a worthy goal to strive intentionally for. And with Your help, with the power of Your Holy Spirit working in us, it is achievable. Help me, Lord, to be intentional in all of my learning, in all of my imitating of Jesus, in all of my openness to Your transforming power, so that I can realize this goal in my own life. Amen.