Read with Me

 Revelation 8:12-13 (NET)
Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened. And there was no light for a third of the day, and for a third of the night likewise. Then I looked and I heard an eagle flying directly overhead, proclaiming with a loud voice, “Woe! Woe! Woe to those who live on the earth because of the remaining sounds of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to blow them!”

Listen with Me

The signs of God’s wrath in the heavens continue to unfold over those who are oppressing and persecuting God’s people. And again, these have symbolic significance.

Often in the symbolism used in the days in which this letter was written, the heavenly lights represent the leaders and prominent people of a society. In John’s day, the sun would be interpreted as representing the emperor, the moon the senate, and the stars the prominent men. The people looked to those men to guide them, to protect them, and to set the direction for the whole empire, which would affect their lives for better or for worse.

Thus, the idea that God would strike all these leaders so significantly that their light, and thus their understanding, their wisdom, and their ability to lead, would be reduced by a third would strike terror in the hearts of every sane person. Such impact on every sector of leadership would quickly and ultimately lead to the complete collapse of society.

This is followed by a vision of an eagle hovering in mid-air and proclaiming the ultimate ruin and fall of the empire. God’s choice of an eagle (not an angel, as a few manuscripts have it) to proclaim this doom is not random. The eagle was the symbol of the Roman Empire itself. Thus, in this vision, the refusal of those in power to relent from their path of persecution is shown to be not only tragic, but suicidal. Even though the hierarchy understood that their actions had consequences, they were so committed to the course in which they were running that the very symbol of their empire proclaims its fall and the ultimate total ruin that is not only hanging over their heads, but is falling rapidly on them.

Pray with Me

Father, it is always strange to me when national leaders get so set on a self-destructive course that will lead a whole nation to be brought down into ruin. We have seen this cycle repeated many times over in the last few hundred years in many countries in Europe and Asia, all the way down to today. And when confronted with their sinful path, whether by conscience or by outside voices, the leaders double down on what they are doing, tightening the death spiral of their empire or nation, until there is finally no escape from Your judgment. And, as recent events show, no leaders, no society is immune from this judgment once the leaders and many of the people commit themselves to a godless path. And we don’t have to look far to see this trend well-started even here in America. Lord, strengthen Your people to stand firm and to speak powerfully to our own leaders to try to steer them away from the ungodly path that they are going down, taking the whole nation with them. Amen.