Read with Me

 Revelation 7:11-12 (NET)
And all the angels stood there in a circle around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they threw themselves down with their faces on the ground before the throne and worshiped God, saying:
“Amen! Praise and glory,
and wisdom and thanksgiving
and honor and power and strength
be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!”

Listen with Me

It should be very obvious by this point in the vision which God gave to John that one of the key activities of everyone in heaven is worship. Those gathered around God’s throne are aware of His saving activities in the world, and of His progress toward freeing the physical universe from its bondage to death and decay (Romans 8:20-22). And every bit of that progress is celebrated.

Understanding this, worship in this world should not be seen only as a perfectly reasonable activity for God’s people to engage in constantly. It should also be seen as a rehearsal for what will be a key activity in the world to come. Those who find praise and worship tiresome in this world will hardly find it satisfying in the next.

It also points out that praise and worship is not something that is designed to be done on a schedule, or somehow “worked up” through carefully selected songs. The best, most honest worship happens as a response to what God is doing, the things He is proclaiming, the miracles He is performing. But only those who keep their spiritual eyes open are able to see what God is doing and the miracles He is performing on a daily basis. Only those who keep their spiritual ears open, can hear what God is saying to them, the amazing promises He is making and fulfilling. Therefore, those people are the only ones who can engage in legitimate praise and worship. And because that worship springs from what they are seeing and hearing, they don’t have to “work it up”. It just naturally flows from grateful hearts.

Pray with Me

Father, so many of us have been taught, through example if not by actual word, that worship happens in Church on Sunday, and that it is primarily singing songs about You. But the definition shown by this vision is that, even though corporate worship is fine, genuine worship is a spontaneous expression of praise to You for what You have done, for what You are doing. And it is not focused on songs about You as much as it is praise directed to You. It is also evident, as You pointed out, that this kind of praise can only come from our hearts if we are aware of what You are doing, and if our hearts are near You at all times. Lord, give me that kind of awareness, that kind of heart, so that I can truly worship You, now and forever. Amen.