Read with Me

 2 Timothy 1:13-14 (HCSB)
Hold on to the pattern of sound teaching that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Guard, through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, that good thing entrusted to you.

Listen with Me

Paul understood that his race was nearly over. His time was short, and he had no idea if he would ever see Timothy again face-to-face. So, he had several words of instruction and encouragement that he wanted to pass on just in case.

Paul had been a steadfast mentor to Timothy from the beginning, so he didn’t need to write him a huge book about how to be an effective worker in the kingdom. He only needed to urge him to not turn away from the pattern of being and working that Paul had faithfully passed on to him in all their time together.

That pattern was not merely a teaching methodology. It was a way of life from which excellent modeling and teaching would spring forth naturally, because it was based not in facts, and figures, and theology, but in faith, in agape love for his students, and in a solid relationship with God.

Many teachers in Paul’s day traveled from town-to-town recruiting those who wanted to be instructed in the “secret ways”. But the apostles of the Church did not traffic in secrets. Instead, they had been entrusted with a great treasure, a “good thing” as Paul describes it here. But that good thing was not a secret.

That deposit, entrusted to every believer in Jesus, was the good news of the gospel, a treasure beyond all counting. It was to be freely shared with everyone. It was the talent of precious gold that was intended to be put to work to increase the return, the harvest of souls, for the Master so that when he comes back and calls for a reckoning, each worker can present Him with a sizable return on what has been entrusted to them (Matthew 25:14-30).

Paul also knew and faithfully taught that mere human wisdom will never be able to produce that kind of fruit. It must be accomplished under the direction of the indwelling Holy Spirit, who would also protect Timothy from any error that could derail his faith or limit his fruitfulness, and who would empower his best efforts.

Pray with Me

Father, thank You for this encouragement. Even though we have the same calling to be powerful and effective witnesses and mentors, even though we have the same charge to produce a return on what you have left to us, like Timothy, we don’t have to do it alone. We also have the same Holy Spirit living in us that both he and Paul did. And He is capable of doing the same amazing things in and through us if we will just be faithful and obedient and allow Him to work. Help me today, Lord, to be a steadfast and faithful witness to Your love, Your grace, and Your power for all who trust in You and who are willing to obey You. Amen.