Read with Me

 1 Timothy 5:1-2 (HCSB)
Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, and with all propriety, the younger women as sisters.

Listen with Me

As a leader, how Timothy relates to people who make up the Church is critical not only to his own success, but to the life and health of the Church itself. There is not a trace of hierarchical thinking, either in Paul’s actions or demeanor, or in his instructions to people like Timothy, who he clearly does not see as a an “underling”, but as a trusted co-worker whom he is helping to be successful.

That lack of hierarchical thinking is to extend to the way that a servant leader relates to the people in the congregation as well. Those others are not to be considered as mere “workers” in the Church, but as beloved family members, coworkers in the kingdom of God.

To that end, if Timothy encounters an older man who is in the wrong, he is not to be rebuked or reprimanded harshly. Instead, any correction is to be given lovingly, as one would correct a beloved father. This enables the needed correction to be heard and received and the soul restored, but it doesn’t shame or disgrace the person receiving the correction. It enables them to continue in the right direction without having to rebuild a shamed reputation within the congregation.

The same attitude Is to extend to everyone else in the Church as well. Younger men are to be treated as brothers, dearly loved brothers whom the older is not to see as a pest, but as someone to be mentored into a successful member of God’s kingdom. Older women are to be treated as mothers, not only loved, but encouraged and helped when those things are needed.

Paul points out the younger women with a special comment. In that time when men held the majority of the power in society, women could easily become prey to men in positions of authority. But that dynamic was not allowed in the Church. Instead, those in leadership positions were to act toward the younger women as if they were their beloved sisters, with absolute purity of heart and action.

Pray with Me

Father, it is easy to see that you designed the Church to show forth the dynamics of Your kingdom, a classless society where there are different callings, different roles, but no hierarchy, because Jesus is the head, and everyone else is on level ground under Him. Just as in the human body all the parts serve the brain equally without trying to take over control of the body (parts that do that are called cancers) so that all the parts are united in their mission, so You designed the Church to function. Those with titles, even titles like overseer or bishop, deacon or pastor, teacher or prophet, are not to place themselves in authority over the others, trying to mold the Church or the congregation according to their own designs. Instead, they are to take their vision and direction from You and Your word, clearly communicate that vision and direction, and help the others to find and fulfill their own role in that vision and direction. They are to be facilitators, not bosses, equippers and enablers of people, not movers and shakers. (See Ephesians 4:11-13.) Forgive us, Lord, for corrupting the system You designed and put in place, replacing it with a hierarchical system of our own design, full of levels and authorities, but all too often devoid of genuine love and support and thus far less effective than the model You gave us in Your word. Help us to do better, Lord, Amen.