Romans 8:31-32 (NIV):  What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all–how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

These words should fill the hearts of every one of God’s people with joy and praise every single day.  If God is for us, who can possibly stand against us?  Of course, some may oppose us, but their efforts in the end will not stand.  Always remember:  God plus any number is always a majority!

Along with Jesus, God gives us everything that is necessary for a successful life in His kingdom.  This begins with His own presence in our hearts and lives – guiding and directing, molding and shaping, empowering and making our efforts effective.  Along with God’s presence and power also come:

  • Wisdom, so that we will know what to say and do in every situation, including situations that are inherently dangerous.
  • Discernment, so that we can clearly see what is going on, both in this world and behind the scenes in the spiritual dimension.
  • Love.  Not just any love, but God’s own agape love, motivating our witness, empowering our ministry, and enabling us to respond appropriately to even those who persecute us.
  • Joy, to enable us to sail successfully through every storm that comes our way.
  • Hope, the sure knowledge that God is working His plan, and that He will bring it all to a successful conclusion.
  • Sustenance along the way.  Both meeting our physical needs (not our wants, but our real necessities), and providing spiritual food that those of the world can’t even comprehend, nourishing us and making us strong.

And there are many others.  To God’s people He is not a distant God who stands far off, but a loving Father who lives in intimate relationship with all who love Him and obey His commands.  To all of these He provides not just salvation, but every good thing necessary to be fruitful, vital, powerful, and successful, all the way to the end of our journey.

Father, I testify that these words are true.  You gave us Your Son, the greatest and most costly of all gifts.  And along with Him, You have given us all that we need to live out the kingdom life here and now, and to make it all the way through the gates of heaven.  Thank You for all of these illimitable blessings!  Amen.