Acts 20:22-24 (NIV):  “And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.  I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me.  However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me–the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”

Paul understood very clearly the task given to him by God:  to testify to the gospel of His grace; Paul’s version of “Go and make disciples of all nations.”  And he clearly understood that that was his job, not just when the road was smooth, but even when he was faced with prison and hardships.  Even when the future was scary and uncertain.

You can easily see how this worked out in his life.  From the moment he received his sight and his salvation, testifying to the reality of Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection was the one thing that drove him forward, even to the point of having to be lowered over the city wall in a basket to avoid being killed by those who didn’t want that word to be spread.  Everywhere he went, he was constantly, actively on the lookout for anyone he could tell about Jesus, searching for anyone who might be receptive, then telling his story clearly and boldly, holding the door to the kingdom open to all of his listeners.  Even when he was beaten and imprisoned, he simply shared his story with those who guarded him, those who shared jail space with him.  It never slowed him down or caused him to hesitate; he kept moving boldly forward.

Oh, that God’s people had the same passion to share the gospel today!  Most Christians never even think about telling their salvation story in the course of a normal day, let alone actively looking for those with whom they can share the story of Jesus.  Some might be willing to share if someone asks them a direct, straightforward question about the gospel, but even then they worry about offending someone or turning them off.  How unlike the first disciples of Jesus, who hungered to share the new life that they had found in Him!  If the Christians of today hesitate to share the gospel simply out of fear of possibly giving offense, what will they do when sharing Jesus with someone might result in beatings, or imprisonment, or even death!?

God’s command to His people is clear and non-negotiable:  Go and make disciples of all nations.  It is Jesus’ final command to ALL of His people, wherever and whenever they live.  It doesn’t matter whether it is convenient or not, or even whether it is safe or not.  The eternal destiny of every man, woman, and child on the planet hangs in the balance, and God’s people, the ones who truly know Him, are the only ones who can help tip those scales heavenward.

Father, you are absolutely right, and could not have made Your command any clearer.  Inspire us anew. Lord, with Your Holy Spirit and with power.  Help us to be bold and obedient, in season and out of season.  Help us to bear much fruit for Your kingdom today and every day.  Amen.