Mark 3:24-25 (NIV):  If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.  If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

What goes for a kingdom, what goes for a house, goes for pretty much anything.  As Jesus pointed out, even satan is not foolish enough to fight against his own forces.  Even he has enough wisdom to know that a lack of unity in his kingdom, among his angels, will ultimately prove fatal to his every plan, his every aspiration.

This basic principle is even true of the kingdom of God.  Only a unified people of God, only a people who work together in the work of the kingdom will be able to do all that needs doing to push back the darkness of sin and death, set captives free, and take on the enemy right where he lives.  That is a key reason that Jesus prayed for the unity of His people.  (John 17:20-23)  He understood that the unity of the Christians would be the first place that the enemy would strike, because any divisions in the ranks at all would immediately divert the focus of those Christians away from the salvation of the world and onto themselves.  It would immediately take them out of mission mode, and put them in a place where the survival of their own organization became the most vital thing.

For a while, the Church was able to maintain its unity by keeping their focus on prayer, Scripture study, evangelism, and discipleship.  When divisions threatened, like that between the Grecian Jews and the Hebraic Jews over the matter of food distribution (Acts 6:1-7), the leaders acted immediately.  Peter gave the issue into the hands of seven wise and holy men, and unity was restored.  Then the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. (Acts 6:7 NIV)

In towns all over the Empire the Church existed as a unified whole.  They may have met in many different “congregations” in each town, in homes, in synagogues, and in public buildings, but they were all one people, one Church, actively and intentionally working together to spread the kingdom by making disciples.  And when divisions arose, those in charge reacted swiftly and clearly to try to stop them.  (See 1 Corinthians, especially in context of 1:10-15, and chapters 12-13.)

What a different picture today!  Today the Church has been sliced and diced and divided up in each city into congregations, and denominations.  Too often there is little unity even within each congregation!  Too many conflicting and competing agendas and priorities, too much personal baggage, too many “strong personalities” trying to move things in their own direction.  All of these tear at the seams of a congregation.  From time to time the lack of unity actually causes a rupture, resulting with many people leaving and moving to another congregation.

That is to say nothing of the very concept of congregations competing with each other in a town in the first place!  It is rare to find different congregations in a town or city reaching across denominational lines, working together in unity, doing the work of the kingdom as one Church.  Instead, each group tends to look out for its own interests, each trying to hold onto their own members, while developing programs and activities to attract even more Christians to their doors.

It seems that in most cases, the enemy has scored a great victory by dividing the people of the kingdom.  As Jesus said, such a divided kingdom cannot stand.  Unless unity is restored; until all of the people of the kingdom agree to follow one Head, Jesus; until they are willing to quit focusing on their own self-interests, their own agendas, the kingdom of God cannot grow as it was intended, and the whole is in imminent danger of falling into ruins.

Father, this is a sobering thought!  It is easy to see that there is not a single “Church” in most of our communities.  Instead, we are divided into congregations and denominations that are not really united, that are not working together as the kingdom of God.  We really are a kingdom divided against itself!  Lord, we need Your help to restore us to unity, so that we can all work together to grow the kingdom.  Help us to become what You have called us to be as Your people.  Amen.