Matthew 5:33-37 (NIV):  “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.’  But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King.  And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.  Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”


In Jesus’ day (they have close relations living today!) were people who had a reputation of godliness among many, but were known by those doing business with them as “sharp dealers.”  They would make a deal, and seal the deal with an oath before the Lord, which, on the surface, seemed to give additional guarantees to their business partner.  But many of them were using weasel words that only SEEMED to obligate them to carry it through.  For example, they would swear by the temple, only to declare later that oaths on the temple weren’t actually binding.  It would have been different if they had sworn by the GOLD on the temple, but they didn’t.  Sorry!  Or they would swear by the altar on which the burnt offerings were made, only to declare later that oaths on the altar weren’t actually binding.  It would have been different if they had sworn by the GIFTS on the altar, but they didn’t.  Sorry!  (cf. Matthew 23:16-22)

Jesus’ point was that the people of the kingdom are to be so honest, so open in all their dealings, so scrupulously honorable in all that they do, that all that is necessary to seal a deal is a simple, honorable “yes.”  If we as God’s people say that we will do something, we simply must do it.  Not only our honor, but GOD’s honor and reputation are at stake.  If we are prevented from following through, we must take pains to make it right.  We must always remember that we are on duty for God 24/7/365.  Anything that we do to or for anyone will affect not just our reputation, but GOD’s reputation and the cause of Christ.  (No one wants to hear about Jesus from someone who is a known cheater in business dealings!)

If we have had our character transformed by God, our business, social, and personal dealings WILL be above reproach.  We will be men and women of our word, who never have to shore up our promises with oaths.  Our yes can be a simple yes, and our no a simple no.  Nothing more will be necessary.


Father, my great desire is to bring honor to You every single moment of every day, by my every thought, word, and deed.  Keep me pure, holy, and honorable, so that my every yes can be a simple yes, and my every no a simple no.  Amen.